My Job as Your Coach is to Inspire you into Action

How Would it Feel to Become Naturally Slim?
You're in the right place.
I help successful, driven woman lose weight for the last time
& become
Naturally Slim Forever.
Hi! I'm Rachele.
I'm an Advanced Certified Life & Weight Coach, ex 20 years Corporate Sales Director, mum of 2 boys and running a multiple 7 figure property portfolio and I became Naturally Slim Forever using this EXACT method.
After years of trying every diet under the sun, you know the ones!
I can now proudly say that I am Naturally Slim Forever.
I know you want to become a woman who can achieve her weight loss goals without having to sacrifice enjoying her life.
Me too! My holidays revolve around where we are going out for dinner.
In order to do that you need to know how to stop your over desire for food and fall in love with being naturally slim.
The problem is you've tried all the diet plans, calorie counting, point counting, red and green days, low carb, shakes to mention just a few.
They seems to work for other people, so why on earth isn't it working for you?
You get a little bit of hope when the scale goes down for a while but then it all just feels too hard and you give up.​
You just can't work out how everyone else manages to eat just enough to stay naturally slim and that leaves you feeling deflated, miserable and turning to the nearest tub of ice cream for comfort.
I believe you shouldn't have to keep stopping and starting a diet in order to lose weight.
I understand how it feels to be permanently on a diet.
I have helped myself & dozens of women become Naturally Slim Forever &
I can help you too.
This is why I created my signature process
The Naturally Slim Method
A 6 month bespoke one on one coaching container where I help you stop the yoyo dieting and achieve weight loss for the last time.
We get to the CAUSE of WHY you haven't achieved your goal weight in the past.
In my program we reach that goal together and keep the weight off FOR GOOD.
It's a SIMPLE 4 step process where we focus on:
1. Unlocking your UNIQUE Naturally Slim protocol
This includes designing a DO - able plan, bespoke to you and your lifestyle & identifying the foods that fuel you and your body.
2. Clarifying your Naturally Slim IDENTITY
Becoming the person who falls in love with the feeling of being naturally slim so that weight-loss is guaranteed, inevitable & permanent
3. Activating your BELIEF in the process
Creating new neural pathways in your brain to stop your over desire for food (and alcohol) so that you can be free from the burden of wanting to overeat.
4. Creating MOMENTUM through Action
Working together to build consistency so naturally slim becomes a way of life for you. You will know exactly how to control losing weight so you never have to worry about going on holiday, celebrations or stressful events ever affecting the scale again.
If you've never had a one on one coach before think of me as someone you can talk to like a friend.
No judgement.
But with all the answers and a plan to create your weight loss goals for good.

I'm not going to sympathise with your problems or jump in the pool with you.
I'm not going to agree with everything you say. In fact quite the opposite a lot of the time.
If you choose to be all in, I guarantee, you can have it.
There will be no assumptions made, no offence taken no matter what you say to me.
We are going to work through this together. I won't let you quit on yourself.
Kind Words from clients
I have loved my weight-loss journey with Rachele. She has challenged, educated, encouraged, listened to and supported me. I haven't found it all easy but it has been so worth it. I have been amazed with how many assumptions I was carrying around about eating, how I eat, why I eat, what it means to others and Rachele has helped me to carefully think about each one.
I have tried all sorts of diets in the past with varying short-term success but I realise now that without addressing the deeper issues I have around food, I was never going to get where I wanted to be.
Ms P
Sales Director
Rachele is an amazing coach! I was having drama around losing weight and instead of believing my story that I couldn't possibly start now because of "all the reasons" Rachele held space for me to share my story but showed me that it was my thinking that was stopping me and not my situation.
Truly, Rachele helps me move toward my goals in every session. She is the perfect coach for me!
Customer Support
I've just loved working with Rachele as my coach. She's helped me so much when I've found myself stuck spinning in my head with life issues that come up day to day as well as with the health goals that I had.
Her coaching had helped me clear my mind, get a better nights sleep with her feng shui suggestions and also have a more positive outlook so that I can work to my full potential in my business.
Thanks so much Rachele!
Former Miss World, Public Figure
As a certified sommelier I really struggled with my love of wine for many years. I knew it was the one habit that needed to change for me to be able to create the life I want, but it was hard to figure out the next steps. Life coaching was really the solution for me. It helped me understand the reasons why I turned to wine in the first place, and how to feel more empowered. Rachele is brilliant at what she does. Her calm, even disposition and exceptional clarity helps you to feel understood but not judged. She understands the habit of overdrinking and exactly how to show you what's driving it. I highly recommend her services.
Professional Sommelier & Life Coach
I feel very fortunate to have found Rachele as my coach. She is excellent, experienced, caring and fun to work with!
Since working together I have more than 5X'd my investment in my business as well as created healthier habits around eating where bored or stressed.
I look forward to all of our sessions and I love her range of expertise and I’m excited to continue working with her knowing that she will help me with areas beyond business (health, food issues, family dramas and much more).
TEDx speaker, Meditation & Video Coach
I've lost 20 pounds and counting!
Working with Rachele as my life coach has been an incredible journey. I honestly had no idea what a life coach was to begin with and it didn’t sound like something I even thought I needed. I could not have prepared myself for what unfolded after even one session. The pure expansion I have experienced in my mindset, attitude and my ability to cope and think differently is astounding.
It’s almost as though places in my brain that were locked down and unable to function have been gently awoken by Rachèle’s kind and compassionate approach to her craft. The beauty of this process for me has been the moments of epiphany in everyday life, outside of the sessions, where I notice all of a sudden that I have been able to catch myself going down an old, unhelpful thought process and re- routing it to find a far more serving outcome.
Those moments have been such amazing light bulbs and have shown me that the work we have done in our sessions has been so valuable to my brain! It truly is so worth investing in for absolutely anybody in my opinion.
I will be forever grateful to Rachèle for touching my life in this way.
The Little Holistic Kitchen, Reiki Practitioner
Rachele helped me refine/re-tune my mindset and access subconscious beliefs that were holding me back. Don't be fooled by her calm disposition, Rachele offers tough love when she needs to and has a ton of knowledge to share - I absorbed every word!
If you're ready to finally break down those blocks, sign up to one of Rachele's coaching programmes asap.
Founder of Bang Talent
I came to Rachele to achieve my goal weight for my 50th birthday and this was like no other "diet"!
Learning what LOVE looks like is a life long journey and Rachele has been a HUGE part of that for me this past year. I have connected with a part of me that feels empowered to face my fears, know that I can do hard things and that I can CHANGE and I am forever grateful. I am learning so much as I shed old behaviours and replace them with new ones, and most importantly I am learning that its ok to FEEL my feelings and that I dont have to do it alone and that even coaches need coaching!!! Thank you is not enough! LOVE YOU MORE Rachele Summers you are AMAZING!
Self Love Coach
Rachele is such a great coach and a pleasure to work with. The weight has steadily been coming off each week.
This isn't the first time I've lost weight but what is different this time is the lack of drama in my head! She had me start right where I was and ease into the changed in a way that made sense for me.
In no time at all my cravings disappeared so there has been no deprivation required
Group Program Coach & Nike Coach

"A Journey of aThousand Miles Begins with a Single Step"

03. cREATE
MOMENTUM through consistent action
Proven fact: A person who repeats their goal to someone regularly is 75% more likely to achieve it.

Your UNIQUE Naturally Slim Protocol
Your BELIEF in the process, yourself & your success